The I.A.G. 06/18/2021
Solid long term play. The company offers everything from air purifiers to thermostats, alarms/detectors for space craft and that infamous "office first-aid kit", that no one uses, that sits on the flo...
Freshman Seminar Fall 2020 09/16/2020
A good tech company that has been doing good on the market
The I.A.G. 06/16/2021
HON operates as one of the "boring" companies that keeps the world turning. Great company, Great products, Great dividend, essential (staple) manufacturer.
Spring 2022 Lions - FIN 345 03/09/2022
Spring 2022 Lions - FIN 453 02/14/2022
California 07/02/2020
I chose this pick because of what is going on with Co-vid 19, this company makes masks and ventilators.