
General 02/29/2024

General Motors Company is a global company engaged in the development, design, and sale of automobiles, trucks, and their spare parts. #generalmotors #auto #GM #investing #investmentideas #ev #gmfin...

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Dover Corporation - Great Dividend Stock but Possibly Overpriced

Dover Corporation is a strong investment candidate thanks to its consistent dividend growth, its robust financial performance, and strong capital implementation plan. This stock fits into a strong dividend portfolio well that plans on holding onto stocks for multiple years.

Is BorgWarner a Buy?

BorgWarner fell below $30 today, making it an interesting buy opportunity. The reasons are quite straightforward. The company’s book value per share is $25.36 a share. This means that as long as money continues to be made, BorgWarner becomes undervalued if it nears its book value per share.

Union Pacific is Going Nowhere

Union Pacific is not a buy to start off 2024. Union Pacific is a fine business. There are issues but nothing that is significant enough to believe the company’s intrinsic value will shrink in the next decade.

Dividend Stock Watch List: Lanny’s February 2024 Edition

Dividend investing happens, whether the stock market is up or down, whether the fed raises interest rates or lowers. Inflation or deflation. Banks are failing or being bailed out. Recession, no recession. It’s all about buying dividend income producing stocks – the best source of passive income source on your journey to financial freedom!

Is HSBC a good choice for dividend investors?

All I’ll say in these opening remarks is that HSBC is the third largest company in the FTSE 100 and it’s the largest bank in the FTSE 100 by a considerable margin.


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2023 – Looking Back At Our Year of Progress

It’s time to sit down and look over what happened in our portfolio in 2023. We had a great year but there is still room for improvement. I still chase value at times vs quality and would like to get our dividend growth increases up. But this is a long term game and lucky for us there is lots of time to make things better.

January 2024 Stock Considerations

With a new trading year already in full swing it is time, once again, to highlight some of my potential stock purchases for the month.

Walgreens Dividend Safety: Q3 Review and My Take

In the third quarter, Walgreens demonstrated impressive sales growth, with revenues surging 8.6% compared to the previous year, reaching $35.4 billion. Primarily driven by the strong performance of the U.S. Retail Pharmacy and International segments.

5 Reasons Not to Use ChatGPT for Financial Advice

It’s truly amazing how far AI has come in such a short period. Not only can it answer most questions, but it can also generate online posts, research papers, and even poetry. However, it still has its limitations.

The Zen Ten - My Top Picks for 2024

I've managed to beat the market by an average of 3.7% per year over the past 10 years. Since I began using this list with clients in 2000, I’ve beaten the market by an average of 9.1% per year.

5 Key Benefits of Long Term Investing in Dividend Stocks

Overall, long-term dividend investing in individual dividend stocks can be a reliable and potentially lucrative way to build wealth and generate passive income over the long term

You Can Be an Excellent DIY Investor

First, save money to invest. That is: don’t spend everything that you make. Next, invest consistently in a reasonable way. That’s it! That’s all it takes to be an excellent DIY investor!

Data Update 2 for 2024: A Stock Comeback - Winning the Expectations Game!

Heading into 2023, US equities looked like they were heading into a sea of troubles, with inflation out of control and a recession on the horizon. While stocks had their ups and downs during the year, they ended the year strong, and recouped, at least in the aggregate, most of the losses from 2022.

IBM Dividend Safety Analysis

International Business Machines (IBM) is a stock investors love to hate. But after years of underperformance, the share price has recovered to levels last seen in early 2017.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Consistently Creates Shareholder Value

Thermo Fisher’s share price can be volatile. Just before Christmas 2021, for example, TMO’s share traded above $660. At the beginning of March 2022, however, the share price had plummeted to ~$530.

Western Alliance Bank: A Golden Opportunity if we can just Stay Calm

As Western Alliance has dropped from the headlines, the company’s stock has begun to rebound. The stock received a bump after each earnings announcement by reporting the “business as usual”. As we will see, if Western Alliance can continue business as usual, the bank may be a fantastic investment opportunity.

Is Southern Company a Buy?

Southern Company’s price target is neutral at $70. Expect the utility’s price volatility to peak at plus or minus 20% from this price target but not improving too far past this price point for the next few years.

Is Atkore Inc (ATKR) a Buy?

Atkore is an intriguing stock to analyze. It is well liked by institutional investors and value investors due to its high return on equity and consistent earnings growth.

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